作家名 | 横山大観 |
Artist | yokoyama taikan |
生没年 | 1868〜1958 |
制作年 | 昭和30年(1955) |
サイズ(Dimensions) | (外寸)116.0×173.0cm (内寸)64.0×87.0cm |
分類(Category) | 日本画 |
形状・技法・材料 | 掛軸 / 墨画 / 絹 |
解説 | 大観の、最後の日本美術院展出品作。「風蕭々として易水寒し。壮士ひとたび去って復た還らず」(司馬遷『史記』)という詩にちなむ。二度と戻らないという壮士の覚悟が、日本画の存続のために闘う大観の心情と重なる。 |
Explanation | The last work Taikan submitted to the Nihon Bijutsuin Exhibition. This piece was created in tribute to a poem that appears in Shiji, a monumental history of ancient China and the world, written by Sima Qian. The title of this work is part of the poem, Kaze shōshōtoshite Ekisui samushi. Sōshi hitotabi satte mata kaerazu, which means "Wind blows and sighs, and the Yi River (Ekisui River in Japanese) is cold. The hero leaves and will not return." The preparedness of the brave man not to ever return overlaps with Taikan's determination to fight for the continued existence of Nihonga (Japanese-style drawing). |
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