作家名 | 横山大観 |
Artist | yokoyama taikan |
生没年 | 1868〜1958 |
制作年 | 大正8年(1919) |
サイズ(Dimensions) | (外寸)65.5×85.0cm (内寸)90.0×110.0cm |
分類(Category) | 日本画 |
形状・技法・材料 | 額 / 墨画 / 絹 |
解説 | 三国志の〝赤壁の戦い〟の跡として知られる。宋時代の文豪蘇軾(東坡)が左遷されて黄州にいたころ、城外にある赤壁に七月、十月に二階遊び、「前・後赤壁賦」という名文を残した。これは古くから重題となり、大観も明治30年ごろから対象にかけて描いている。 |
Explanation | The place is known as the site of the "Battle of Red Cliffs" in the Chinese historical text of Records of the Three Kingdoms. In the Song Dynasty when Su Shi was exiled to Huangzhou, he went on two boat rides to the red cliff outside the castle, once in July and another in October. After these events he composed the "First Prose Poem on the Red Cliff" and the "Second Prose Poem on the Red Cliff," two famous fine works. This motif has long been a favorite subject for artists from old times and Taikan frequently used it as well. |
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