作家名 | 内藤伸 |
Artist | naito shin |
生没年 | 1882〜1967 |
制作年 | 大正2年(1913) |
サイズ(Dimensions) | − |
分類(Category) | 彫刻 |
形状・技法・材料 | 彫刻 / 木 |
解説 | 第7回文部省美術展覧会において褒状を受賞した作品。のち大観が購入した。大正3年、大観が再興第1回院展に出品した「游刃有余地」の左幅に描かれた人物「包丁」は、これを参考に描かれた。 |
Explanation | This piece of work was chosen as a meritorious mention at the government-sponsored 7th Bunten Art Exhibition. It was later purchased by Taikan. Taikan used this piece as reference to draw "Hōtei," the person portrayed on the left section of the folding screen titled "Virtues in Rags," which was shown at the 1st Inten Exhibition in 1914 after it was resurrected. |
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